Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blog 1. "Why I Want a Wife" Response.

The essay “Why I Want a Wife” by Judy Brady is full of sarcasm and repetition. That is the reason why it kept my attention for so long. Switching the wording from being the wife to wanting a wife only helped keep the reader’s attention. Starting each sentence with “I want a wife…” and then listing what may as well be slave labor hits people hard, maybe the men more so then the women, since it makes it seem like the men are almost the cause of it. It may be a little harder to understand today since most women are a lot more independent than they were forty or fifty years ago, but it is not hard to see past the irony of “wanting a wife” and the sarcasm of the work the wife seems obligated to do within this essay. My ultimate reaction to the essay was that I would hate for this to happen to anyone, regardless of who they are. A relationship is a partnership, especially marriage, and there must be equal expectations for both the husband and the wife. However, this essay makes it seem like while the husband is away, all the work is placed on the wife, and no real balance is maintained.

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