Saturday, August 30, 2008

Response to "Fried Butter"

When I first read the narrative “Fried Butter,” I really did not think too much of it. But after thinking about it, I have to agree that it can anger a person a lot. He treats his mother so poorly, stating that she takes care of him, his brother, and his father, and then doing nothing that shows any appreciation in any way. After reading the “Why I want a wife” essay by Judy Brady, and then reading this, you really do feel like you want to throw the book across the room. I re-read it once again before I started writing this, and I was truly annoyed by how he just ignored his mother when she stated that she wished to talk. I also got continuously annoyed with how he would connect and compare eggs to his way of life. Be it women, human nature, even eternal life. Why eggs? Could he not pick something that is not so repetitive in our day to day life? Maybe that was the whole point of comparing the two, but I found it almost useless in my mind’s eye.

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