Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth first connects with her audience. This is very difficult considering her situation as an uneducated black woman talking to an audience full of educated white northerns. Even though the majority of the audience were women, it would still be hard for your average black to simply grab their attention. She must have been a very strong speaker to be able to grab their attention, keep it, and be able to connect with them. Her logical response to the arguments against women's rights were perfect. Talking about the bible, even today, is a good way to win an audience over to your reasoning. What I personally like about the closing end of the speech was the simplicity of it. Short, sweet, and to the point which is what people want. Nobody wants a long, drawn out goodbye. She thanked them, and said that she had nothing more to say, which was good, and to the point.

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