Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Long Goodbye

No one is unique, everyone has a story to tell, and often it is a story that we have all heard a million different times. That is for the most part, my reaction to this essay. "The Long Goodbye: Mother's Day in Federal Prison." This merely highlights the truth that we do not have a perfect legal system, it is, in fact, very flawed and at times almost worthless. It also highlights the fact that justice is blind. It gets it right a lot of the time, the person that did the crime is usually the one that is put away. Occasionally, however, every once in a while, it misses. Excuses, and more excuses were given for why they were there, it does not really matter, they are there for a crime. Whether they committed it or not is beside the point. To say I was a little annoyed reading this almost sob story, is an understatement. It is easy to sympathize in some places, especially where it concerns family. Such as Jennifer's son and Stephanie's son. They rarely see their sons, and it is hard deal with the fact that those two boys are going to have to be without a mother for the first several years of their life.

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