Thursday, September 18, 2008

"The Last Stop"

The essay "The Last Stop" was disturbing to a certain point, and scarily enough, slightly informational. It was morbid, true, and slightly humorous all at the same time. While reading this essay, I had one question going through my mind. Why in the world would anyone buy a dead person a five thousand dollar casket, that is just completely unreasonable. Being from a large family myself and having gone to many, many funerals, I just do not understand why you would disrespect them that way. When I finished reading the essay I thought about when he said he touched the dead man's hand. My thoughts were, it is less like clay, and more like a porcelain doll. I have seen people just collapse from disgust, shock, and grief when touching a dead loved one's almost inhuman body, so reading that he bravely touched that man's body sent slight chills down my spine. He reacted so coolly, so nonchalantly so that even that final part of the essay itself was slightly disturbing to me.

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