Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tobias Wolff "On Being a Real Western"

In response to "On Being a Real Western" by Tobias Wolff. Being someone who grew up around guns, and even shooting my first gun when I was three, I can completely relate to this essay. Firing a pistol or rifle or shotgun can leave a bad taste in one's mouth, there is a certain sense of responsibility and power in accepting a gun. I have to say, however, that pointing a gun at someone and being frustrated because he felt he had power over them and they did not know it is sickening. He seems really close to a sociopath in wanting to manipulate their fear. Even when he seems to bring a sort of a hand of god moment on the squirrel, it was almost childish. Of course, I can understand his sort of obsession with his gun, even if it is not but a .22 rifle. In a sense, you do feel like you have some power over whoever or whatever it is that you are aiming. Even if it is just a target set up for practice, after putting about twenty holes in the target you end up feeling some sort of accomplishment that you did not feel before.

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