Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"The New York Pickpocket Academy"

"The New York Pickpocket Academy." Such a perfect title for such a strange essay. It is hard for me to say whether or not I am surprised by how bad pickpockets are in this essay, or curious for how much it may or may not be exaggerated. Either way I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed by how he introduced various pickpockets throughout the essay. The more simple pickpockets who go around and taking bystanders wallets and purses are barely even shown in the essay besides the brief mention of them. You hear of them and then they are quickly forgotten as he moves on to more interesting characters in the essay. The more entrenched they were with the victim, and the more complex their method was of stealing their money or items, the more detail was awarded to them. Every character is an ordinary person like you and I, and he shows use their reactions which would be quite typical when you realized you've been pick pocketed or cheated. Each person deserved to have at least a small mention of how they had been victimized, as mundane and troublesome as that may sound to an ordinary person not involved in this essay.

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